Friday, November 1, 2013

Worth It

Life is hard.

Ever come to this conclusion? most of us do, but just have that look of defeat. Yes, life is hard, but do we really need to make it harder on ourselves? Stand up, chin up, and put a smile on that beautiful face. You owe it to yourself to keep on keeping on. Maybe someday, you will find the life you live a bit easier to live.

I have lived an easy going life. and a day came that when adversity hit me, I thought that I would never recover. I was too self absorbed to see that people cared, that people were looking out for me. This was the most selfish thing that I had done.

Seeing this after a while, it hit me that I had let Life defeat me. I cleaned up my act and let myself be somebody who I would perceive to be positive, who will enjoy everyday God has given him. I loved every moment of it, and from that point on, I felt alive again.

It is now clear to me that people are truly great. the people around me are the best group of people around, maybe not for everyone in general. But finding them made me who I am today and they made me realize that I wanted to help other people as well. These people have been my inspiration.

It has not been an easy journey to this point, but living like I have been for the past few months has given me a positive attitude towards not only my own life, but to others as well, and I intend to share that positive attitude to the world even if it takes one person at a time :)

Seeing how everything turned out, I can honestly say that it was truly worth it.

"Life is only hard if you accept that it would be hard."
- Chot

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