Saturday, September 21, 2013


I was whoever the world dictates me to be, but it never occurred to myself that I was leaving a part of me which is truly great. I always fear that I will never reach my potential. So today, I want to unlock that potential. I accept that I will fail 9 times out of 10, I accept the fact that not all people will like who I am. but I will never accept the day that I gave up on something I truly want.  

Why Undefined?
I believe a man's mind is infinite, that he can think of a million different ways to go about doing something with out even knowing it. don't you believe that you are infinite in some ways? there is literally nothing in this world that is constant, and I mean nothing, so why remain static? Improve daily, I mean what's stopping you from finally writing that book, or starting that diet? Potential lost is always filled with a lifetime of regret. never stop, never complain, and never give in to the power of sin.

I am undefined, I now refuse to be defined by the words of others. I will only follow the path I want, and I choose to follow the word of my shepherd. Don't misconstrue my words here, I value your opinion, and I value each and everyone's right to tell me anything they choose to talk to me about. but if what I believe in is compromised, I will not bend over backwards so easily.

I will never fear failures, never fear changes, and never fear my inadequacies, for I know that I am inadequate, that's why I strive for improvement. One percent better everyday.

"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me". (Philippians 4: 13)
Face your inner demons with the confidence that Christ is by your side, how can you fail for it is written that you are infinite with the power of christ.
I always loved this passage, have a great day and a happy sunday morning read.


This blog is about me, I know, I'm sorry for this. I'm just frustrated at the moment.

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